For his work in advancing clinical and global medicine, including his work with Virtue Foundation, Dr. Ebby Elahi has been awarded the prestigious Jacobi Medallion from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The Jacobi Medallion is one of the highest honors the Mount Sinai Health System bestows to Mount Sinai alumni and faculty who have distinguished themselves in education, clinical and patient care, and biomedical science. Watch the full video featuring his work here.
Fifth Avenue Associates
1034 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10028
Phone: 212-570-0707
Fax: 212-570-0555
Email: [email protected]
Dry Eye Syndrome
Droopy Eyes
Bags Under The Eyes
Eyelid Cancers
Refractive Surgery
Thyroid Eye Disease
Tear Duct Conditions
Pediatric Eye Care
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